Better life Project List

List of Projects

Shoe Design for AFOs

All ages:

  • Billy Footwear features “mainstream shoes that are functional, fashionable, and inclusive for everyone.” Shop on their website or find them at Target!

  • Zappos Adaptive has various options for people with foot drop.

Green Environment

  • Develop compositable materials for medical supplies to use less plastic and more compositable materials

  • Design reusable solutions and reduce disposable wastes.

Skin Friendly Disinfectant Solution

Skin friendly Disinfectant Solutions with high effectiveness (for reuse supplies).

  • Iodophor 1% + saline = soaking solution

  • Surgical Solutions to be used (prescription based)

504 School Support Help

In US, the successful integration of a child with Spina Bifida into the school setting sometimes requires changes in the school’s equipment or curriculum. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires educational programs that receive federal funding to make their facilities accessible to children with physical disabilities.

But not all the countries has 504, to discuss the accommodations and influence the similar practice at those target schools is important.

Convenient Products

More convenient and comfortable products to meet the daily use. Help people with disability to live in a comfy touch of life.